Postal services discussion paper

Dear Members

The government has put out a discussion paper asking the public to give their views on what a modern postal service should look like. This document is referred to as the Postal Services Modernisation

It is extremely important that members take the time to read the discussion paper, Postal Services Modernisation and put in a submission before 27th April 2023.

The government need to understand that Postal workers perform a highly valued community service first and foremost, that Australia Post is a mail carrier and a government owned community service not a logistics company and that massive profits should not be the most important driving factor for the business.

Please click on the link below to get a copy of the Postal Services Modernisation discussion paper.…/postal-services...

Please share this with all your friends and family and let them know how important Postal workers are to the entire Australian community.

Authorised by
Leroy Lazaro
Branch Secretary CWU Victoria P&T