Motions For Quarterly General Meeting Saturday 19th March


That this General meeting of Members of the Victorian Branch of the Communications Workers Union resolves to condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the actions of Vladimir Putin and his murderous invasion of Ukraine.

We stand united with all citizens of a free and democratic Ukraine, and all citizens of the world who believe that every, woman., man and child have a fundamental right to live in peace and free from tyranny.

We also acknowledge that the actions of Vladimir Putin are not done in the name of the people of both Russia and Belarus and we stand united with all the citizens of both countries who are rightfully horrified that, woman, men and children are been slaughtered in their name.


Martin O’Nea
Greg Morgan

Monthly Delegates/members  meetings

That from April 2022 the Victorian branch of the CWU holds at least one Delegates/Members  meeting per month either on a face to face basis or via teleconference that is open to any member to attend.

The purpose of monthly Delegates/Members meetings shall be to

1. Provide members with an opportunity to be regularly updated with information about current Industrial events

2. Increase the democratic participation of the membership in the union’s decision making processes by

          2a requiring members at the meeting to debate whether or not the reports given by the officials present are accepted or not,

          2a allowing members to put motions to the delegates/members meeting for debate without notice

          2c the keeping of minutes of these meetings by a minutes secretary appointed by each meeting which are discussed and accepted or rejected at the next meeting.

   Moved Terry Costello     

 Annual Calendar of Quarterly General Meetings

That from 2023 the secretary publishes the meeting dates of all Quarterly General Meetings to be held in the current Calendar year by the end of February at the latest.

This QGM meeting calendar shall be made available to members on request and also be published on the website of the Victorian branch of the CWU.

In 2022 a calendar of the remaining 3 Quarterly General Meetings of the Victorian Branch of the CWU is to be finalised and published by the end of May 2022 at the very latest.

Moved Terry Costello