Functional Allowance For Relievers (SPDO 2)

Australia Post have finally agreed to pay relievers the functional allowance (currently $11.28) per day when relieving on rounds that have more than a days mail to deliver. This will be backdated to 26th March 2023.

While this increase in the pay packet of a reliever is welcome news it does not address the fundamental problems of staff shortages and round sizes that are too big and the flow on effects such as but not limited to;

  • Psychosocial issues in the workplace caused by large workloads
  • Poor morale
  • Increased physical risk with Posties feeling compelled to deliver all mail product and the anxiety created by such

We will continue to use all available avenues to hold Australia Post to account on the above issues but for now at least ,relievers will be receiving an extra allowance. If you have any issues with payments in your delivery centre contact

Martin O’Nea 0437 409 770 or Troy McGuinness on 0447 148 187