EBA9 – Members Have 3 Issues To Consider

  1. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BARGAINING POLICY – The Turnbull bargaining policy for the Public Service and Government Business Enterprises including Australia Post, is designed to limit or reduce entitlements that already exist in EBA8 and places a cap on pay rises that can be negotiated.
  2.  AUSTRALIA POST CLAIMS – Australia Post have put 8 claims on the table and while 1 or 2 of these claims just amount to little more than tidying up the wording in the agreement the majority seem to be seeking an open cheque book for a range of issues.
  3. WINNING OUR CLAIMS – Your branch has submitted a number of claims on behalf of Victorian members that were identified from our member survey.


MEMBERS MEETING – Saturday, March 4th, 12 Noon
Union Office, 75 Melville Road, Brunswick West.