Authorised Day, Shame!

Members would be well aware by now of Australia Post’s unilateral change to the Authorised Holiday. Hiding behind the Principal Determination,  under the authority of the Australian Postal Corporation Act, they tore away what has traditionally been your only opportunity to spend some additional time with friends and loved ones following the busiest time of year.

And they weren’t happy slapping you in the face just once. They’ve done it again.

Australia Post have announced that this year’s Authorised Holiday will fall on Wednesday 19 August!. Members who previously elected to receive the Authorised Holiday as an additional annual leave day (in addition to 17.5% leave loading for the day) will automatically have this year’s additional day credited on 5 August. \

The contempt for hard working Australia Post employees, shown by senior management, seems to be limitless!

A Wednesday????  . It was only last year when they committed to at least providing the day on a Monday or Friday. This ultimate  insult came just a day after sending heartfelt email messages to employees stressing that you are entitled to ‘respect’ from the public. How about a little bit of respect from the most senior of managers ?

This proposed outrageous change comes as members continue to work through the worst health crisis our planet has seen in 100 years. You are not only putting yourselves and your families at risk, but continue to be subjected to abuse from some members of the public (although thankfully only as a minority)  due to the reduction in services the senior management are directly responsible for.

It is clear that senior management, who all enjoy as much time off as they like with their loved ones over Christmas, have little respect for the employees who have gone above and beyond to keep our communities connected, and Australia Post  profitable, during the emerging health crisis. (not that profits should determine outcomes)

Branch Position

Our position has not changed – we do not believe the change to the Authorised Holiday is fair, or warranted.

We believe the traditional timing of the holiday provides, what is for many, the only opportunity for additional time with loved ones at an important time of the year where leave blackouts usually exist for operational employees.

And although senior management continue to claim that  employees in Victoria  prefer for the Authorised Holiday to occur this way, the vast majority of members in Victoria who completed our EBA survey have a different view . That’s why during the next round of bargaining for the EBA (next year) , one of our key  claims on behalf of Victorian members will be the restoration of our traditional Authorised Holiday.

Yours In Unity
Leroy Lazaro
Secretary CWU Victoria